little miss sunshine is dead, thank you very much
I'm not little miss sunshine. I don't want to be little miss sunshine. I can't be little miss sunshine.
I'm dead inside. outside. everytime.
I want to be unapologetically angry. I want to be unapologetically irritating. irrational. imprudent and apathetic. makeing people uncomfortable. making people sad. making people go through the roof. making people eye roll all the time without any excuse.
I want people hate me. judge me. reject me. exclude me from their little happy circles. remove me from their secret chats. don't text me their hang outs. time, place, mishaps.
I want to be agressive. loud. rude. disgusting. eccentric. clumsy as hell. an all time trouble maker.
and a proud, care-free, sexy, killjoy game changer.
This is me.
New me.
Not a single part I regret.
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